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35 hits on query: regex


  • Regular Expressions (Part1) - Basic Syntax by DarkWater (score: 1.07%)
    This tutorial introduces the basic concepts and syntax of regular expressions.
  • Working with dates in PHP by Daniel0 (score: 0.75%)
    There are many topics on the forums that go again, topics many people often are having trouble with. One of these problem areas are how to handle dates, convert them to a different format, timezone issues, etc. This tutorial will attempt to address many of the commonest problems related to date and time issues.

Blog Posts

  • PCRE Regex Spotlight: \K by nrg_alpha (score: 100%)
    This entry focuses on the discussion of the pcre regex escape sequence, \K. Surprisingly handy yet perhaps largely unknown and under used. Once understood, this regex tool can make certain problems very easy to solve.

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