Community News: Latest PECL Releases (01.24.2023)
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on January 24, 2023
Latest PECL Releases:
- gRPC 1.52.0RC1
- gRPC Core 1.52.0 update - zstd 0.12.1
- Fixed build error in windows - couchbase 4.1.0
* PCBC-824: implement replica reads * PCBC-630: implement legacy durability for mutations * PCBC-880 support for configuration profiles * PCBC-889 'Skip' SearchOption has no effect * Bug fixes, logger and build improvements - datadog_trace 0.83.1
### Fixed - Use the HttpWorker instead of the Psr7Worker for Roadrunner for more generic usage #1864 - Fix trace_id reset in DDTraceset_distributed_tracing_context() #1863 - Work around broken enum functions run_time_cache on PHP 8.2.0 and 8.2.1 #1862