Site News: Blast from the Past - One Year Ago in PHP (09.17.2020)
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on September 17, 2020
Here's what was popular in the PHP community one year ago today:
- Pine: Customizing the Markdown email template in Laravel
- Matthias Noback - PHP & Symfony: Using phploc for a quick code quality estimation - Part 1
- Derick Rethans: PHP Internals News: Episode 28: Moving PHP Documentation to GIT
- Help Scout Engineering & Product - Medium: Reducing Complexity with Guard Clauses in PHP and JavaScript
- Laravel News: Register Multilingual Routes in Laravel
- symfony Project Blog: SymfonyCon Amsterdam: schedule part 3 is online (almost final one)!
- php|architect News: 2019 Impact Award Nominees
- How we used Caddy and Laravel's subdomain routing to serve our status pages
- Laravel News: GitHub Announces Dependency Graph Support for PHP
- php|architect: The Workshop: Introduction to PDF Generation
- PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor: PHP 7.4.0RC2 Released!
- Voices of the ElePHPant: Interview with David Bisset
- Laravel News: ClamAV Anti-Virus Validator for Laravel
- NETTUTS: Learn to Code WordPress Plugins With These 3 Practical Projects
- Laravel News: Laracon US 2019 Speaker Interviews