Eighers Gonna Eight with Sara Golemon and Garbriel Caruso
syndicated from planet-php.net
on August 11, 2020
Show Notes
- PHP RFC: Named Arguments
- PHP RFC: Match expression v2
- PHP RFC: Attributes v2
- PHP RFC: Nullsafe operator
- PHP RFC: Constructor Property Promotion
- PHP RFC: Union Types 2.0
- PHP RFC: non-capturing catches
- PHP RFC: Add Stringable interface
- PHP RFC: Saner string to number comparisons
- PHP RFC: Allow trailing comma in closure use lists
- PHP RFC: Mixed Type v2
- Linux for PHP
- PHP RFC: Add str_starts_with() and str_ends_with() functions
- PHP RFC: str_contains
- PHP RFC: Validation for abstract trait methods
- PHP RFC: Remove inappropriate inheritance signature checks on private methods
- PHP Internals Book
This episode is sponsored by
Ring Central Developers
The post Eighers Gonna Eight with Sara Golemon and Garbriel Caruso appeared first on Voices of the ElePHPant.