Community News: Latest PECL Releases (08.20.2019)
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on August 20, 2019
Latest PECL Releases:
- openal 0.9.0
Extension ported to PHP7 - gRPC 1.22.1
- #19924 C Core Http2 parser fix - swoole 4.4.4
Enhancement --- + Perfect array_walk for coroutine (#2740) (@twose) + Add `SwooleConstant` to replace string (@matyhtf) (@twose) + Add alias `Co::dnsLookup` of `swoole_async_dns_lookup_coro` (42293ef) (@matyhtf) + Expend default HTTP_FORM_KEYLEN to 512 (#2734) (@sshymko) + Better dns resolver (c6deff1) (@matyhtf) + Support HTTP PURGE (#2462) (@sshymko) + Response 400 for bad request (#2751) (@twose) + Decoupling sockets and reactor (internal) (@twose) + Add Timer::set / Process->set / ProcessPool->set (@twose) + Optional hugepage feature support for FreeBSD (#2757) (@devnexen)Fixed
- Fixed macOS not support extern thread_local () (@matyhtf)
- Fixed SSL dispatch (#2736) (@matyhtf)
- Fixed aio thread num (#2745) (@matyhtf)
- Fixed async_thread (#2747) (@matyhtf)
- Fixed SwooleClient::select timeout (#2758) (@LeiZhang-Hunter)
- Fixed #2749 (@twose)
- gRPC 1.23.0
- #19721 Fixed segfault in Channel constructor - #19366 Fixed unexpected warning about getenv() - parallel 1.1.3
- Fix #79 segfault on copy closure in 7.2 - Fix #69 segfault on deep runtime copy - Fix #70 segfault caused by incorrect Channel serialize/unserialize - Fix #71 segfault caused by cloned Channel access