Site News: Blast from the Past - One Year Ago in PHP (07.04.2019)
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on July 4, 2019
Here's what was popular in the PHP community one year ago today:
- Zend Blog: Zend Framework - ACLs for users with multiple roles
- Larry Garfield: PHP: Use associative arrays basically never
- Remi Collet: PHP extensions status with upcoming PHP 7.3
- Whats the most weirdest program you have written with PHP?
- Matt Sparks: PHP Reflection
- SitePoint PHP Blog: Improving Performance Perception: On-Demand Image Resizing
- Symfony Blog: Join us at SymfonyLive USA 2018!
- Parsing HTML With PHP Using DiDOM
- Joseph Silber: How to rid your database of PHP class names in Eloquent's Polymorphic tables
- Christoph Rumpel: Using Facebook Messenger Quick Replies with BotMan
- SitePoint PHP Blog: How To Boost Your Server Performance With Varnish
- Implementing Custom Logic With Raw SQL In Laravel’s Query Builder
- Emir Karsiyakali: Quick Tip - Logging Mastery with Laravel
- PHPUgly Podcast: Episode #111 - A Failed Transaction
- PHP 7.3.0 alpha 3 Released
- Rob Allen: Notes for working on the OpenWhisk PHP Runtime
- Learn Laravel Forge (Free Video Course)
- A Deeper Look at Laravel’s Localization
- php[architect]: July 2018 Issue Release - Navigating State
- Interview with Matthew Weier O'Phinney (Principal Engineer at Zend Technologies)
- Delicious Brains: WordPress Deployment Part 2: Deploying WordPress Using The Command Line