Site News: Blast from the Past - One Year Ago in PHP (01.24.2019)
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on January 24, 2019
Here's what was popular in the PHP community one year ago today:
- Keith Mifsud: PHP Software Development Workflow
- php[architect]: Security Corner: PHP, meet Libsodium
- The Mexican Standoff of PHP Frameworks
- Sergey Zhuk: Does Factory Method Violate Open/Closed Principle
- CloudWays Blog: Clash Between Top Laravel CMS: OctoberCMS VS AsgardCMS
- Rapid Web Deployment for Laravel With GitHub, Linode, and
- Sarfraz Ahmed: Laravel: Automatic Vendor Cleanup Command
- Matthew Weier O'Phinney: PSR-15
- php[architect] Podcast Episode 6: Setting Up to Succeed
- That Podcast: Episode 44: The One Where We Manage Products
- Jeff Madsen: Your Company is Screwing Itself by Not Supporting Open Source Software
- Ross Tuck: Returning From Command Buses
- Gonzalo Ayuso: Handling Amazon SNS messages with PHP, Lumen and CloudWatch
- php[architect]: PHP Sessions in Depth
- Mark Baker: Closures, Anonymous Classes and an alternative approach to Test Mocking (Part 4)
- Delicious Brains Blog: WP-CLI Packages: Supercharge Your WordPress Development
- Andreas Möller: Makefile for lazy developers