Site News: Blast from the Past - One Year Ago in PHP (01.17.2019)
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on January 17, 2019
Here's what was popular in the PHP community one year ago today:
- HHVM Blog: HHVM 3.24 (End of PHP 5 Support)
- Laravel News: Laracon US 2018 Announces Speaker Robert C Martin
- Laravel News: Install Microsoft SQL Drivers for PHP 7 in Docker
- Brandon Savage: Don’t write useless unit tests
- Martin Hujer: Have you tried Composer Scripts? You may not need Phing.
- PHP Town Hall Podcast: Episode 56: GraphQL is better than REST
- Matthias Noback: Simple CQRS - reduce coupling, allow the model(s) to evolve
- Exakat Blog: PHP assertions and their usage
- Oscar Merida: Creating ZIP files and streaming the response with Silex
- Blog: Where a curly bracket belongs
- Matthias Noback: Setting the stage: Code complexity
- Christoph Rumpel: How I redesigned my blog and moved it from Jekyll to Laravel
- Sergey Zhuk: Managing ReactPHP Promises
- Simple Eloquent Model Translations
- Freek Van der Herten: How to send a "trial expiring soon" mail in Laravel Spark
- Joe Ferguson: How to move a dependency to Composer while requiring an old version
- Colin O'Dell: Optimizing colinodell/json5 with Blackfire