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Community News: Latest PECL Releases (10.30.2018)

syndicated from on October 30, 2018

Latest PECL Releases:

  • timezonedb 2018.7
    Updated to version 2018.7 (2018g)

  • psr 0.5.1
    - Fix PsrHttpMessageServerRequestInterface not actually extending `PsrHttpMessageRequestInterface`
  • decimal 1.0.1
    Package content updates, smarter .m4 @remicollet
  • decimal 1.0.0
    Initial release, request for comments.
  • swoole 4.2.5
    * Alpine compatibility (#2071) * Fixed task_ipc_mode bug (#2072) * Improve client proxy settings * Fixed SSL client bug (#2053)
  • swoole 4.2.4
    + Refactor HTTP2 client, fix disconnection reconnection problem, fix cookie problem + Added coroutine binding detection and friendly error prompts + Runtime stream hook adds error_text support * Increase asynchronous redis callback function type detection * Fixed http client unable to execute other requests after using the download API * Fixed `swoole_http_response->detach` cross-function memory error * Fixed coroutine PDO connection abnormal disconnection * parameter parsing errors return FALSE (instead of null) * Fixed `Exception` loss after coroutine switchover * Fixed `task_max_request` does not work * Optimize MySQL response packet integrity detection * Fix coroutine flock deadlock problem * Fixed the error that the underlying swoole_buffer did not release the object * Fixed bugs caused by multiple `Content-Length` headers * Enhanced zval type check, defensive programming * Fixed the bug of the HTTP coroutine client setData using the object (stream), refactoring the properties parser of the HTTP coroutine * openssl error cleanup optimization * `co::fread` optimized for fseek and non-normal file reading * swoole_server TCP and UDP mode separation * Fixed the problem caused by passing invalid parameters when creating a server * Fixed the bug by `addProcess` in BASE mode * Fixed the problem that the task process uses `reload_async` (asynchronous safe restart feature) * Improve `package_eof` illegal empty string check - Remove code for deprecated multi-threaded mode
  • redis 4.2.0RC2
    phpredis 4.2.0RC2

    The main feature of this release is new Streams API implemented by Michael Grunder.

    • Streams API [2c9e0572] (Michael Grunder)
    • Fix incorrect arginfo for Redis::sRem and Redis::multi [25b043ce] (Pavlo Yatsukhnenko)
    • Update STREAM API to handle STATUS -> BULK reply change [0b97ec37] (Michael Grunder)
    • Treat a -1 response from cluster_check_response as a timeout. [27df9220, 07ef7f4e, d1172426] (Michael Grunder)
    • Use a ZSET insted of SET for EVAL tests [2e412373] (Michael Grunder)
    • Missing space between command and args [0af2a7fe] (@remicollet)
    • Reset the socket after a timeout to make sure no wrong data is received [cd6ebc6d] (@marcdejonge)
    • Modify session testing logic [bfd27471] (Michael Grunder)
    • Allow '-' and '+' arguments and add tests for zLexCount and zRemRangeByLex [d4a08697] (Michael Grunder)
    • Fix printf format warnings [dcde9331] (Pavlo Yatsukhnenko)
    • Session module is required [58bd8cc8] (@remicollet)
    • Set default values for ini entries [e206ce9c] (Pavlo Yatsukhnenko)
    • Display ini entries in output of phpinfo [908ac4b3] (Pavlo Yatsukhnenko)
    • Persistant connections can be closed via close method + change reconnection logic [1d997873] (Pavlo Yatsukhnenko)
    • Documentation improvements (@mg, @elcheco, @lucascourot, @nolimitdev, Michael Grunder)