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Http errors package for Typescript

syndicated from on October 3, 2018

Hacktoberfest 5 has begon, and as my first contribution I wanted to make a tiny Typescript library with HTTP errors.

Whenever I start a new Javascript-based project, whether that’s on the server, or if I’m writing an API client with Fetch, I often find myself doing the same thing over and over again, which is to define a simple set of exceptions representing HTTP errors, like this:

class NotFound extends Error {
   httpStatus = 404;

A bit fed up with this, I decided to make a small package that’s just a list of errors for Typescript, along with some tiny utilities.


import { NotFound } from '@curveball/http-errors';
throw new NotFound('Article not found');

The idea is that the interface is really just this:

export interface HttpError extends Error {
  httpStatus: number;

Which means that any error with a httpStatus property automatically follows this pattern, and generic middlewares can be written to listen for them.

It comes with a simple utility function to see if the Error conforms with this pattern:

import { isHttpError } from '@curveball/http-errors';

const myError = new Error('Custom error'); myError.httpStatus = 500;

console.log(isHttpError(myError)); // true


A great idea for emitting errors from a HTTP API is to use the application/problem+json format, defined in RFC7807. The package also contains a few utilities to help with these:

export interface HttpProblem extends HttpError {

type: string | null; title: string; detail: string | null; instance: string | null;


Every standard exception that ships with this package also implements this interface. Most properties (except title) default to NULL as they are likely applica

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