Symfony Blog: Pre-conference workshops at SymfonyLive London 2018 are almost sold out!
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on September 10, 2018
On the Symfony blog there's a new post for those that have been putting off getting their tickets to SymfonyLive London and, more specifically, the pre-conference workshops. Time is limited and the training sessions are almost sold out!
All Symfony conferences come with pre-conference workshops. We organized them to enable the conference attendees to get trained on Symfony and its ecosystem just before the conference, during special workshops sessions at a very special price. The idea is to get the most out of the conference and enhance your Symfony skills before learning new tips and tricks from the speakers’ experience during the conference. We organize 4 different pre-conference workshops at SymfonyLive London 2018 on September 27th and they are almost all sold out!
They also share a listing of the pre-conference workshops happening at this year's event:
- "Symfony 4 Best Practices" by Nicolas Grekas from Symfony
- "Building API-driven apps with API Platform" by Kévin Dunglas from
- "Symfony Messenger" by Samuel Rozé, creator of the component
- "Lightning Fast Tests" by Jakub Zalas, Symfony core team member
Each workshop title in the post is a link to more information about the workshop and how to pick up your tickets. For more information about the conference, ticket pricing and to order yours, check out the main conference site.