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Cees-Jan Kiewiet: React/cache in use

syndicated from on September 10, 2018

In a new post to his site Cees-Jan Kiewiet shares details about the latest version of the React/Cache component for the ReactPHP library. In the tutorial he covers the library, what this update brings with it and how he's making use of it.

Recently we, ReactPHP, released 0.5 of our cache package with TTL and other PSR-16 similarities. In this post we'll go over which packages I recently updated and how I am using them in my sites.

He breaks the post up into a few different sections showing the caching in use:

  • JSON and msgpack
  • Redis
  • Fallback
  • react/http session middleware
  • react/http webroot preload middleware

For each item in the list there's a bit of code showing it in action and some explanation as to what it's doing and how it helps.