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Community News: Latest PECL Releases (09.04.2018)

syndicated from on September 4, 2018

Latest PECL Releases:

  • swoole 4.1.1
    + Support Redis, PDO, MySQLi, use SwooleRuntime::enableCoroutine() to make them become Async IO by coroutine scheduler

    • Coroutine tracking: Coroutine::listCoroutines() can list all current coroutines, Coroutine::getBackTrace($cid) gets the function call stack of a coroutine
    • Refactoring CoChannel C code to C++, solving unintended consequences of complex scenes and achieving high stability
    • Refactoring CoHttpClient C code to C++ coroutine mode, solving asynchronous timing problems and achieving high stability
    • Support for using exit in coroutines and Servers, which will throw a catchable SwooleExitException exception.
    • Remove PCRE dependency limits for all iterators (table/connection/coroutine_list)
    • Add the open_websocket_close_frame configuration to receive close frames in the onMessage event
    • Remove the HttpResponse->gzip() method and use the http_compression configuration item instead. The bottom layer will automatically determine the client's incoming Accept-Encoding to select the appropriate compression method, add Google BR compression support
    • Add CoHttpClient->addData() method to send the data in the memory as the content of the uploaded file.
    • Solaris system support
    • Http2 supports MAX_FRAME_SIZE framing transmission and MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE processing. The client adds isStreamExist method to detect whether there is a corresponding stream.
    • swoole_http_response->status increases the reason parameter
    • Fixed an issue where unsigned arguments in MySQL prepare used signed values ??to cause numeric overflows
    • Fixed an issue with no coroutine in the onRequest callback for HTTP2
    • Fixed the problem that tasking_num became -1 in some special cases
    • Fixed HTTP2-server window-update frame construction error
    • Fix all levels of compile warning under all PHP versions
    • Compile error will occur when GCC version is less than 4.8
    • Fixed MySQL's memory allocation caused by the use of prepare statement without parameter binding
    • Fixed old stream memory loss leak when HTTP2 client reconnect
    • Fixed wrong package info by version 4.1.0
  • swoole 4.1.0
    + **Support `Redis`, `PDO`, `MySQLi`**, use `SwooleRuntime::enableCoroutine()` to make them become Async IO by coroutine scheduler + **Coroutine tracking**: `Coroutine::listCoroutines()` can list all current coroutines, `Coroutine::getBackTrace($cid)` gets the function call stack of a coroutine + Refactoring `CoChannel` C code to C++, solving unintended consequences of complex scenes and achieving high stability + Refactoring `CoHttpClient` C code to C++ coroutine mode, solving asynchronous timing problems and achieving high stability + Support for using `exit` in coroutines and Servers, which will throw a catchable `SwooleExitException` exception. + Remove PCRE dependency limits for all iterators (table/connection/coroutine_list) + Add the `open_websocket_close_frame` configuration to receive close frames in the onMessage event + Remove the `HttpResponse->gzip()` method and use the `http_compression` configuration item instead. The bottom layer will automatically determine the client's incoming `Accept-Encoding` to select the appropriate compression method, add Google BR compression support + Add `CoHttpClient->addData()` method to send the data in the memory as the content of the uploaded file. + `Solaris` system support + Http2 supports `MAX_FRAME_SIZE` framing transmission and `MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE` processing. The client adds `isStreamExist` method to detect whether there is a corresponding stream. + `swoole_http_response->status` increases the `reason` parameter * Fixed an issue where unsigned arguments in MySQL prepare used signed values ??to cause numeric overflows * Fixed an issue with no coroutine in the `onRequest` callback for HTTP2 * Fixed the problem that `tasking_num` became `-1` in some special cases * Fixed HTTP2-server window-update frame construction error * Fix all levels of compile warning under all PHP versions * Compile error will occur when GCC version is less than 4.8 * Fixed MySQL's memory allocation caused by the use of prepare statement without parameter binding * Fixed old stream memory loss leak when HTTP2 client reconnect
  • libsodium 2.0.12
    - Bug fix: sodium_pad() din't support block sizes over 255 bytes - Bug fix: file descriptors were not properly closed when using PHP as an Apache module, and Apache was reloaded
  • gRPC 1.15.0RC1
    - gRPC C Core 1.15 uptake