Symfony Blog: Symfony website updates #3 - Events
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on July 23, 2018
On the Symfony blog they've posted about an additional update they've made to bring more information to the community: an Events section.
Following the new features we've added in May in the Events & Meetups section, we're pleased to introduce a brand new section within the main website menu: Symfony Events. This will enable you to find a Symfony event near you more easily.[...] The Events section itself has also been improved, again! We've added a map where you can see at a glance where are organized all the upcoming Symfony events. You can find on the map: all the upcoming official Symfony conferences pinned in red and all the upcoming Symfony community events pinned in blue.
They also added a feature that will automatically pull in Symfony events from the site so there's no need to list them in both places.