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Delicious Brains: WordPress Deployment Part 2: Deploying WordPress Using The Command Line

syndicated from on July 3, 2018

The Delicious Brains site has posted the second part of their "deploying WordPress using the command line" series today. In part one they talked about automated deployments and why they're important (and useful). In this latest tutorial they start in on the setup of the environment and the tools you'll need to complete the deployment.

In my last article, we looked briefly at why automated deployments are important and how to prepare a WordPress site for automated deployments.

Now that our WordPress site is ready to be deployed, in this article we’re going to look at how we can use command line (CLI) tools to deploy WordPress from our local computer to a remote server. While we’re not quite at the stage of being ready to set up automated deployments just yet, understanding how we can use CLI tools to deploy WordPress will serve as a good foundation for all of the automated deployment methods we will look at later in this series.

The article then walks through the different pieces you'll need to set up including a DigitalOcean droplet as a destination and a choice of several data transfer tools:

The post also mentions the WP-CLI tool but points out that it doesn't include functionality to actually move files, only work with local ones.