Dieter Stinglhamber: Join the light side, we have no cookies.
Dieter Stinglhamber has a new tutorial posted to his site showing you how to build a Laravel application that doesn't use cookies...well, any cookies that could be used for tracking.
Since May 25th you have been harassed by "We have updated our privacy policy" emails but also websites started to great you with "Please, let us and our 256 partners track you".In response to these abusive practices, some developers have decided to follow a better path, removing every cookie that is not needed. For example, my website doesn't have a single cookie, Spatie new website won't have any either. [...] I encourage every developer to do the same and if you are using Laravel, here's how you can (very) easily get rid of the default cookies set by the framework.
He talks about the two cookies that are used by default in Laravel applications: the CSRF token and the session ID. He shares ways to remove each of these cookies (if you're not using them) and, for a final "trick", removing other cookie-related middleware from the "web" group that interact with cookies.