Site News: Blast from the Past - One Year Ago in PHP (05.31.2018)
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on May 31, 2018
Here's what was popular in the PHP community one year ago today:
- Master Zend Framework: How to Go From Development to Deployment with Docker
- CloudWays Blog: Taylor Otwell Wants You To Build Your PHP Apps On Laravel
- Michael Dyrynda: Elegant form handling in Laravel
- SitePoint PHP Blog: How to Build a Twitter Follower-Farmer Detection App with RestDB
- Derick Rethans: HHVM and MongoDB
- SitePoint PHP Blog: How to Search on Securely Encrypted Database Fields
- Stefan Koopmanschap: The idempotent command
- Building Your Startup: Approaching Major Feature Enhancements
- Phillip Shipley: Read and write Google Sheets from PHP
- Phillip Shipley: How to automatically deploy static single-page-apps to Amazon S3 and Cloudfront or
- Laravel News: Packagist and the PHP ecosystem
- SitePoint PHP Blog: Web App Performance Testing with Siege – Plan, Test, Learn
- Rob Allen: Slim's route cache file
- Delicious Brains Blog: Building a Command Line Daemon in PHP to Emulate AWS SQSD
- php[architect]: June 2016 Issue Released - Secure By Design
- Programming With Yii: Generating Documentation
- Alejandro Celaya: How to customize "not found" and "method not allowed" response prototypes in Zend
- Exakat Blog: Up and running exakat in 15 mins
- Laravel News: Zttp is a Wrapper Around Guzzle for Simplifying Common Use Cases