Community News: Latest PECL Releases (05.29.2018)
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on May 29, 2018
Latest PECL Releases:
- jsonnet 1.3.1
- Merged formatting cleanups for README from google.- Rename class from JsonNet to Jsonnet.
- xlswriter 1.0.2
- Windows #60. Change config.w32. - xlswriter 1.0.1
- Rename #55. PHP_XLS_WRITER_VERSION to PHP_XLSWRITER_VERSION. - Test #56. clean sections to tests. - Drop #57. drop expertimental as extension released as stable. - xlswriter 1.0.0
- PECL project init. - ds 1.2.6
- Fixed not clearing memory after buffer reallocation. #114 - event 2.4.0RC3
Fixed test error on RHEL 6/7 (thanks to Remi Collet). - swoole 2.2.0
- Added CoSocket - Added HttpResponse->detach - Added HttpResponse::create - Added HttpResponse->redirect - Fixed udp connect no effect - Fixed http2 server cannot send more than 16k of data - Fixed CoRedis connection memory leak bug - Fixed invalid error log thrown when SOCK_DGRAM type client connection was rejected