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Atlas.ORM “Cassini” (v3) Early-Access Alpha Release

syndicated from on April 23, 2018

For those of you who don’t know, Atlas is an ORM for your persistence model, not your domain model. Atlas 1 “Albers” (for PHP 5.6) was released in April 2017. Atlas 2 “Boggs” (for PHP 7.1) came out in October 2017.

And now, in April 2018, we have an early-access release of Atlas 3 “Cassini”, the product of several lessons from a couple of years of use.

Architecture and Composition

One big architectural change is that Atlas 3 no longer uses the older Aura packages for SQL connections and queries; instead, Atlas has adopted these packages as its own, and upgraded them for PHP 7.1 using strict typing and nullable returns. Another big architectural change is that the table data gateway and data mapper implementations are now available as packages in their own right.

The end result is a mini-framework built from a stack of packages, where any “lower” package can be used indepdendently of the the ones “above” it. The package hierarchy, from bottom to top, looks like this:

  • Atlas.Pdo: Descended from Aura.Sql, this provides a database Connection object and a ConnectionLocator. If all you need is convenience wrapper around PDO with fetch and yield methods, this is the package for you.

  • Atlas.Query: Descended from Aura.SqlQuery, this is a query builder that wraps an Atlas.Pdo Connection. If you just want to build and perform SQL queries using an object-oriented approach, the Atlas query objects can handle that.

  • Atlas.Table: Extracted from Atlas 2, this is a table data gateway implementation that uses Atlas.Query under the hood. If you don’t need a full data mapper system and only want to interact with individual tables and their row objects, this will do the trick.

  • Atlas.Mapper: Also extracted from Atlas 2, this is a data mapper implementation that models the relationships between tables. It allows you to build Record and RecordSet objects whose Row objects map naturally back to Table objects; you can write them back to the database one by one, or persist an entire Record graph back to the database in one go.

  • Atlas.Orm: Finally, at the top of the hierarchy, the overarching ORM package provides a convenience wrapper around the Mapper system, and provides several strategies for transaction management.

There are also two “side” packages:

  • Atlas.Info: Descended from Aura.SqlSchema, this inspects the database to get information about tables, columns, and sequences.

  • Atlas.Cli: This command-line interface package uses Atlas.Info to examine the database, then create skeleton classes for your persistence model from the database tables.

Separation, Completion, and Hierarchy

One goal for Atlas 3 was to split up the Table and Mapper subsystems into their own packages, so they could be used in place of the full transactional ORM if needed. Along with that, I wanted better IDE autocompletion, especially at the query-building level, particularly in support of different SQL dialects (e.g., PostgreSQL has a RETURNING clause, but nothing else does).

The first idea long these lines was to have parallel packages, one for each SQL driver: Atlas.Query-Mysql, Atlas.Query-Pgsql, Atlas.Query-Sqlite, etc. However, I shortly realized that typehinting at higher levels would have been a problem. If a generic Table class returns a TableSelect that extends a generic Select object, then providing a driver-speific MysqlSelect had to return a MysqlTableSelect for a MysqlTable. That in turn would have meant parallel packages for each driver all the way up the hierarchy: Table, Mapper, and Orm. Generics at the language level might have solved this, but PHP doesn’t have them, so that idea was out.

Then the idea was to have a single

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