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PHP | OSI Days 2010: Participate at the confluence of PHP's finest!

syndicated from on June 5, 2010

PHP | OSI Days 2010 is the premier PHP conference being organised at Asia's largest Open Source Conference - OSI Days 2010. We invite you to come and lead a tutorial / session or participate in Panel Discussions at OSI Days 2010 specifically for the PHP domain. The last date for submitting a proposal for the conference is 15th June 2010. The conference is scheduled for September 19-21, 2010 at Chennai, India.

Submit a proposal now!

If you are one of the following:

Open Source Enthusiast Developer/ Hacker/ Techie/ Geek IT Manager/ CXO Open Source Entrepreneur Designer/ UI Expert Open Source Trainer/ Educationist

We invite you to submit a proposal on one of the topics below:

Cloud Computing: Tools and Platforms, Cloudnomics, Cloud for Dummies & Others PHP: PHP 5 & 6, PHP Security, Frameworks, Architecture / QA & Best Practices Drupal: Best Practices, Module Development, Theme Development, Scaling/ Management/ Performance & Others Databases: MySQL, NoSQL, CouchDB, PostgreSQL, Ingres, SQLite & Others Java Script Developer / Tools & Techniques

Types of Presentation

45 minute Session minute Panel Discussion Half Day tutorial / workshop Full Day tutorial / workshop

Your proposals Should

be Free of Marketing talks / self promotion / company promotion: Please speak about ideas/ technology/ business and not about yourself or your company. Talk about Open Source Projects/ Products and not strictly commercial closed source products. Clearly identify your target audience and what are the pre-requisites while submitting the proposal Have a clear title and limit the scope of your proposal to something specific rather than trying to cover too much

Speaker Benefits OSI Days offers its speakers tremendous opportunities for exposure and recognition as an industry leader. Your session will attract many technical & Business professionals interested in learning from your example, expertise and experience. In appreciation of your contributions as a Conference Speaker, we provide you many benefits, read them in full detail.

Contact For registration and more details visit: or contact Dhiraj Khare at or call at +919811206582

Team, OSI Days 2010