North Meets South Podcast: Model accessors, style guides, and Nomads
syndicated from
on January 30, 2018
The North Meets South podcast, with hosts and PHP community members Jacob Bennett and Michael Dyrynda, has posted its latest episode - Episode #39: Model accessors, style guides, and Nomads.
Jake and Michael return for 2018 and discuss model accessors for relationships, documenting style guides, shared database migrations, and more!
Other topics mentioned in this episode include the Vagabond library, the Pusher service and the Laracon AU conference happening later in 2018 in Sydney, Australia.
You can listen to this latest show either using the in-page audio player or by downloading the mp3 for listening at your leisure. If you enjoy the show, be sure to subscribe to their feed and follow them on Twitter for the latest updates when new shows are released.