Site News: Blast from the Past - One Year Ago in PHP (12.28.2017)
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on December 28, 2017
Here's what was popular in the PHP community one year ago today:
- Fabian Schmengler: Collection Pipelines in PHP
- Hubert Brylkowski: PHP can’t jump? Thing about recursion.
- The Art of Defensive Programming
- Dave Marshall: Using Closures as PHPUnit After Hooks
- Codeception Blog: Writing Better Tests: Expectation vs Implementation
- Zend Blog: Top 10 PHP articles of 2016
- Cloudflare Blog: Using Guzzle and PHPUnit for REST API Testing
- Three Devs and a Maybe: Episode 2.0 with Joe Watkins
- Programming With Yii2: Helpers
- Don't Hate WordPress: 5 Common Biases Debunked
- Stefan Koopmanschap: Best practices on bundles in Symfony
- MyBuilder Tech Blog: Managing Newlines and Unicode within JavaScript and PHP
- Voices of the ElePHPant: Interview with Beau Simensen (#2)
- Laravel News: Laravel Dusk Is Coming to Laravel 5.4
- Symfony Blog: SymfonyLive San Francisco: We’re back!
- Laravel Daily: Bobby Bouwmann: “2 Years and 1000 Best Replies on Laracasts”
- Laravel News: Run PHPUnit Tests From Sublime Text
- PHPUgly Podcast: Episode 42 - Jackie Robinson Episode