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Whatsapp Chat from CLI Using Puppeteer

syndicated from on December 10, 2017

GoogleChrome puppeteer is interesting project to create browser automation tools, testing tools or web scrapping. I was wondering to use it for something useful and an idea popped in about creating CLI application that can be used to send and receive messages on Whatsapp. So I went on to creating Whatspup, a name based on both Whatsapp and puppeteer.


  • Send and receive messages
  • Read Receipts
  • Switch between users to chat with
  • Popup notifications for new chat messages
  • Privacy settings for popup notifications
  • One-time authentication, no need to scan QR code again and again
  • Windowless/headless (hidden) mode
  • Colorful chat messages


Main Window

Head over to Whatspup repository and start using it :)