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PHP TestFest 2009 Winners

syndicated from on July 30, 2009

A group of winners of PHP elePHPhants or TestFest mugs have been picked at random from the people that contributed the 887 tests during the 2009 PHP TestFest.

Winners of elePHPhants

Mark Schaschke TestFest London May 2009 Patrick Allaert Belgian PHP Testfest 2009 Rafael Dohms testfest PHPSP on 2009-06-20 Guilherme Blanco testfest PHPSP on 2009-06-20 Fabio Fabbrucci Italian PHP TestFest 2009 Cesena 19-20-21 june Rodrigo Moyle testfest PHPSP on 2009-06-20 Edgar Ferreira da Silva testfest PHPSP on 2009-06-20 Marco Fabbri PHPTestFest Cesena Italia on 2009-06-20 Jason Easter Testfest 2009 2009-06-20 Simon Westcott PHPNW Testfest 2009

Winners of mugs

Tim Eggert Testfest Berlin 2009-05-09 Till Klampaeckel TestFest 2009 Havard Eide Norway 2009-06-09 \o/ Ŕlex Corretgé - Catalonia Francesco Fullone TestFest Cesena Italia on 2009-06-20 Ivan Rosolen testfest PHPSP on 2009-06-20 Moritz Neuhaeuser Testfest Berlin 2009-05-10 Daniel Convissor TestFest 2009 NYPHP Matt Raines testfest London 2009-05-09

Winners will be contacted shortly.

Once again a huge thank you! to everyone who helped to make this year's TestFest such an outstanding success!