Site News: Blast from the Past - One Year Ago in PHP (11.23.2017)
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on November 23, 2017
Here's what was popular in the PHP community one year ago today:
- Paul Jones: The PHP 7 “Request” Extension
- Deployer Blog: How to deploy Laravel application
- Blog: What’s New in PHP 7.1.0
- Joe Ferguson: Use Laravel Shift for your next upgrade
- Alison Gianotto: Demystifying Custom Auth in Laravel 5
- Laravel News: New Book: Laravel Up and Running
- Laravel News: Laravel 5.4: JSON Based Language Files
- Building Your Startup: The Dashboard Foundation
- Leonid Mamchenkov: Dependency resolution with graphs in PHP
- Laravel News: Can Frameworks lead to tribalism among developers
- Laravel News: Getting started with Watson Personality Insights
- SitePoint PHP Blog: Pay the Price for Open Source
- Free the Geek Podcast: Episode 19 - Talking Trump, Brexit, and Getting Started as a Freelancer
- PHPUgly Podcast: Episode 37 - Cold Feet