Delicious Brains Blog: How to Develop a WordPress Plugin Using Webpack 3, React and the REST API (pa
On the Delicious Brains site they've posted the latest part in their "Develop[ing] a WordPress Plugin Using Webpack 3, React and the REST API" series. This is part two of the series, building on the foundation set up in part one of the series. In this second part more work is put into the Webpack setup, the creation of the REST API and the React frontend.
Have you ever wondered how to get React working with the WordPress REST API? If so you’re in the right place – that’s what we’re going to cover in this follow-up to part one of how to develop a WordPress plugin! In our previous post, we explained what Webpack is and got it integrated into our WordPress sample plugin. We also got BrowserSync set up and reloading our app. In this part we’re going to look at how to get the React side of our plugin working with the WordPress REST API so that the plugin actually does something cool.
The tutorial starts with the Webpack changes, mostly configuration updates adding in additional plugins. Next comes the changes for the REST API and working with it to get information from the WordPress backend. After showing you how to test that the API is working as expected they move along to the React changes on the frontend and using components to split up the logic and make it easier to maintain.