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Docker Devbox

syndicated from on October 31, 2017

A Vagrant/Ubuntu/Docker based local development environment has been released. It runs on Windows, Linux, Mac. I use it daily for PHP etc work, few testers say it’s stable enough. Feel free to test more, especially on Mac, and open some issues See Readme: Devbox Host: Windows/Linux/Mac Guest: Vagrant (Ubuntu 16:04 x64) Features: PHP 7.1 fpm with Nginx 1.10.3 :80 AND Apache 2.4 :8080 on Ubuntu, Redis, Mail server, Blackfire profiler Docker Containers: PHP + Nginx at http://devbox.local PHP + Apache2 at http://devbox.local:8080 Mailhog at http://devbox.local:8025 Mailhog SMTP at http://devbox.local:1025 Redis at http://devbox.local:6379 Intitial Setup – Install Virtualbox, Vagrant, Git Bash –…

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