Tomas Votruba: EasyCodingStandard and PHPStan meet 3 Symfony E-Commerce Projects
Tomas Votruba has a post to his site showing you how to combine EasyCodingStandard and PHPStan on a Symfony-based ecommerce project. This is the second part of a series comparing the code of three popular Symfony ecommerce packages (part one is here).
In the last post, we looked at the static analysis of 3 Symfony E-Commerce projects.Lines of code, Duplicated code, Cyclomatic complexity or Method length. These metrics are very rarely used in practise (even though there is a sniff for that).
Today, I am going to show you how you can check them with tools that can help you keep your code better on daily basis - EasyCodingStandard and PHPStan.
He's provided the code he used to analyze the packages - ShopSys, Sylius and Spryker. He goes on to talk about some of the tool choices and the resulting code violations from the PSR-2 checks. He also covers some of the "cleaners" that helped to remove some dead code and the violations uncovered by PHPStan.