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Adam Culp: Stop the pain, get to PHP 7

syndicated from on October 9, 2017

In a post to his site Adam Culp makes a recommendation to all of those running their applications on older versions of the language: stop the pain, get to PHP7.

So, now you may be asking, “What does [my football story] have to do with upgrading to PHP version 7?” The answer, because many are letting the pain of moving to PHP 7 prevent them from experiencing the pleasure and rewards.

PHP version 7.0 was released almost 2 years ago. (1 year 10 months to be exact.) And many are still running PHP version 5.something. As a matter of fact, PHP version 7.0 is already going to run out of active community support in only 1 month and will only receive security fixes for another year after that.

He then talks about some of the pains that usually come with upgrading, especially when the jump is a relatively large one (like from the 5.x world). He mentions the acclamation of limitations that is all too easy to get used to with older versions. He also covers some of the pleasures that come with PHP 7 including one of the most major ones: the instance performance boost it gives most applications.