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Dragos Holban: Symfony OAuth Authentication for Your Mobile Application

syndicated from on September 11, 2017

On his Medium site Dragos Holban has a new tutorial posted as a part of his "Learn Symfony 2.8" series. This time he shows how to use Symfony OAuth authentication for a mobile application.

Let’s say you built an API using Symfony and you need to access it from a mobile application using authenticated requests on behalf of your users.

Here’s how to make this work using Symfony 2.8 and Doctrine.

He starts by helping you install the FOSOAuthServerBundle and how to enable it in your Symfony application's configuration. He then includes the code for the OAuth classes: the client and entities for the access token and access token handler. He shows how to configure the bundle and add in routing and configure security protection for the parts of your application. Next he shows the creation of a client and how to document your API using the NelmioApiDocBundle.