Rapid Development of Zend Expressive Modules
I have learned a few tricks when writing Zend Expressive modules that I want to share with you.
Please follow the previous post first to set up a proper working environment. I explained how to install and configure Zend Expressive with Doctrine, Gulp, and an abstract reflection factory - it'll take a total of 10 minutes.
In this tutorial, we'll build a simple read-only blog module (a page listing blog posts from a database) in minutes, demonstrating the kind of rapid development one is capable of with Zend Expressive.
Module Setup
Run this command from your expressive app to get started:
./vendor/bin/expressive module:create Blog
This will generate some base code for a Blog module and will register your module automatically with your application. It will also register your module with the Composer autoloader.
Doctrine Entity and Database Table
Let's make our Blog entity and database tables. First, we need to let our application know that this module provides Doctrine entities.
Open src/Blog/src/ConfigProvider.php
and add the following:
public function __invoke()
return [
'dependencies' => $this->getDependencies(),
'doctrine' => $this->getDoctrine(),
'templates' => $this->getTemplates(),
* @return array
public function getDoctrine(): array
return [
'driver' => [
'orm_default' => [
'drivers' => [
'Blog\Entity' => 'blog_entity',
'blog_entity' => [
'class' => \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\SimplifiedYamlDriver::class,
'cache' => 'array',
'paths' => [
dirname(__DIR__) . '/config/doctrine' => 'Blog\Entity',
Create a blog post entity config at src/Blog/config/doctrine/BlogPost.orm.yml
type: entity
table: blog_post
type: integer
strategy: AUTO
type: string
length: 255
type: string
length: 16777215
Then, run ./vendor/bin/doctrine orm:generate-entities src
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