Community News: Latest PECL Releases (08.29.2017)
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on August 29, 2017
Latest PECL Releases:
- swoole 1.9.20
- Fixed 32-bit system compilation failed- Fixed not available on PHP5
- swoole 1.9.19
- Fixed worker process crash when the Channel::push exceeded 8K and failed to create temporary file - Fixed MacOS event of shutdown cannot be executed - Automatically create the task_tmpdir and upload_tmp_dir directories - Fixed the SSL server to set the ciphers or ecdh_curve problems that cause the crash - Optimize the performance of the Server::bind method using a spin lock - Added the reload_async option to control the asynchronous reboot of the switch - Added the tcp_fastopen option to turn on TCP fast handshake - ref 0.5.0
This release fix bugs, drop unused feature and soon to be EOL PHP 7.0 (see for details).Changelist:
- Drop PHP < 7.1 support (BC-breaking);
- Remove array notifier in a favor of callback (BC-breaking);
- Remove references comparison (BC-breaking);
- Fix bug when object handle reused but previous state was not clean;
- Fix wrong behavior when reference get deleted during notifier call;
- Fix memleaks;
- opencensus 0.0.3
- Capture span kind (#19) - Capture stacktrace (#21)