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Big forum reorganization!

by John Kleijn on Sep 11, 2008 11:32:16 AM - 9,728 views

PHP Freaks has been around for quite some years. Over the course of these years, boards have been added, removed and changed. As a result, the organization of the forums has become less than optimal.

The PHP Freaks staff have decided that it is time to clean up the forum organization. Mostly this entails renaming and moving of boards and moving them to different categories. Some of the less popular boards have been merged with other boards. Last but not least, a new category, 'PHP Applications, Frameworks and Libraries' has been added, to reflect the increasing popularity of the use of third party code and Rapid Application Development.

We hope these changes will benefit your experience on the forums.

Kind Regards,

The PHP Freaks Staff.


Imad Sep 11, 2008 6:24:14 PM

I love the organization. A very great site indeed. My one stop PHP shop. :P

tmallen Sep 12, 2008 9:35:59 AM

What's it going to take to have a unified login? Right now, as I'm sure you know, this ZF login and the SMF login are independent of one another.

Daniel Sep 12, 2008 9:44:16 AM

tmallen, no they're not. It's the same credentials for both the site and the forums. In fact, the site uses SMF's member table.

tmallen Sep 12, 2008 11:44:28 AM

Right, but I was logged in at the forums and had to log in again to post the above comment. So something must be out of whack, just giving you guys a heads up. But you're right, I do have the same username and password, it just seems that "signed in" status, be it via session or cookie, isn't shared effectively.

DyslexicDog Oct 10, 2008 9:02:39 AM

HAHA JK, I found what I was looking for.

WEB-IMPRESS Oct 27, 2008 9:32:09 AM

I really enjoyed the new reorganized forum! everything is really reasonable and convenient to use.

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