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Announcing PHP Freaks live chat

by Daniel on Jan 6, 2010 7:23:45 AM - 14,887 views

To extend our services, we have setup an IRC server for live chat amongst the members of PHP Freaks (and everybody else who wants to join us).

The server is located at and we have two channels called #chat for regular chatting and #help for receiving help or helping other people.

If you do not have a desktop client or do not want one, we have setup a IRC web client that can run in your browser using only JavaScript.

For additional information and introduction to basic IRC commands, see our IRC information page. You'll find links to both the web client and the information page on the top navigation bar.

We'll be looking forward to talking with you in the chat :)


juliaadams Jan 11, 2010 8:25:20 AM

That,s cool now we can chat online...

Phoenix~Fire Mar 21, 2010 7:42:38 AM

It's epical ^^;; --ps come visit sometime ;)

BarbieCue Jul 17, 2010 12:54:13 AM

This is cool. We have our own server and can have online conference in the channel.

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